Pakistani online shopping mall
8 comments Published by Shani on Monday, July 16, 2007 at 3:05
Just stumbled across this site, looks quite promising to be probably one of the first online shopping sites in Pakistan (please comment if u know of any other good ones). Prices are a tad bit high, which I've asked em about.
Just stumbled across this site, looks quite promising to be probably one of the first online shopping sites in Pakistan (please comment if u know of any other good ones). Prices are a tad bit high, which I've asked em about.
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Recently my comptuer had been freezing alot ! i checked and one of the hard disks had problems since on startup it'd make weird noises. It had never happened before ! I checked and turns out it was overheating. So i tried cooling the room without actually opening the system, which resulted in another hard disk failing !!! Turns out the video card's fan had sort of burnt off and it was creating all the heat !! Need a new system now :(